Applies to FlexLink Design Tool.


There are three different options how to distribute components via a sender component, changed in the DistributeMode property

DistributeEvenly – All components are distributed evenly among the connected receivers in the order they were connected.

DistributeProbability – For every connection there is a field to enter a probability value that the product is sent to the specific receiver. The value is between 0 and 1.  All probabilities together has to add up to one, otherwise the probabilities is set evenly over all receivers e.g. if you have four connected receivers it is a 25% chance that the product is sent to each.

DistributeBasedOnID – For each receiver connected the option to add one or several processIDs is given. If the same ID is used several times only the first in the list is used. Products that are not on the list passes the sender and continues on the path.

SendMode, SendID

Selection of which processIDs that should be sent by the Sender component. The options are All and BasedOnID.

All – All components are sent to the receiver.

BasedOnID – The desired processIDs are entered in the SendID field. Products that are not on the list passes the sender and continues on the path.

If DistributeBasedOnId is set all the ReceiverIDs are automatically added to the list.
