Applies to FlexLink Design Tool.

The FlexLink Design Tool lease is personal, but not assigned to any specific computer. After activation (first login) is done the lease is locked to the computer. It is not possible to use the lease on several computers simultaneously. However, the lease can be moved to another computer after deactivation. This is the situation when an old computer is replaced by new computer.

Before computer change

To get a smooth transfer of the lease between two computers it's important to first deactivate the lease on the computer it is activated on. In case of a computer upgrade, the old computer.

Select Windows Start menu -> All Programs -> FlexLink Design Tool folder -> FlexLink Design Tool Utilliy to start the utility application.

Click on Deactivate button.

A confirmation is displayed.

Click on Exit button.

If it's impossible to perform this step because the old computer is stolen, destroyed or not available for some reason, please contact the FlexLink Design Tool administrator at the local Operating Unit or send an e-mail to [email protected]. The current lease has to be unassigned first. Then a new lease has to assigned in the lease system. The solution is not to apply for a new lease by using the application form.

After computer change

The lease is still assigned to the user and will be activated at first login on the new computer.

Click on Windows Start menu -> All Programs -> FlexLink Design Tool folder -> FlexLink Design Tool.

The lease client popup window is displayed.

Enter the same user credentials (e-mail address and password) as before to login.

Click on Submit button.

The lease is now locked to the new computer.