Applies to FlexLink Quotation Tool.

Account configuration

To be able to use FlexLink Quotation Tool (FLQT) as a Strategic Partner you need to set up the user My FlexLink account. This guide describes in detail how the My FlexLink account needs to be configured by the operating unit.

Note: Only users with Operating Unit Administrator user level in People Finder have access to Edit Profile and will be able to do the account configuration.

Configuration of the user’s account is performed in People Finder, so start of by finding the user account. If the user hasn’t got a user account yet, he/she needs to apply for one: Remember to deselect internal only when searching for a customer in People Finder.

Click on the Edit profile link found under the user's photograph

On the edit profile page, make sure that the user level is either Partner or Partner no order. The later has no effect in the Quotation Tool but if the user enters the Online Store he/she will not be able to place an order (same behavior as Customer no order).

Customer number must of course be set to a valid one. Applicants (i.e. non buying customers) cannot use the quotation tool.

Cost discount should reflect the discount (in percent) that the partner has on the list prices (set on the customer in the ERP system). The Quotation Tool cannot handle complex discount models, just a simple percentage that is multiplied with the prices set in the price list.

Downloading the Quotation Tool

Once these settings are in place the user can log on to My FlexLink and download the Quotation Tool from the Download Area.

He/She must do an initial web update to download data into the local database, do some configuration in settings, restart the application and then he/she can use it.

Database Administration

There is no administrator user level for external users, hence all external users are administrators. It's important to inform the partner about this so that they understand that only one of their users should administer the database (Basic data).

Please refer to the User Guide (Help menu) and our public Knowledge Base for more information about individual settings.

Customers and price lists

The main difference in the Quotation Tool when running as an external user (partner) is that the web update doesn't allow the user to download customer and price lists via the web update. Hence the partner will have to additional menu items to select from in the Basic Data / Local data menu; local customers and local price list items.

The user has to either manually enter their customers via the add function or import data via an XML file.

Price lists can be automatically generated by clicking the Add button and simply set a margin that is used to calculate their sales prices on each FlexLink product.

The user can read more about these functions in the User Guide.

Risk assessment and the ESR module are disabled by default.

All other differences are clearly stated in the User Guide.